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Help us translate Ultra Video Converter into your language 

How to translate Ultra Video Converter into your languages?

Generally, it is easy to translate Ultra Video Converter into other languages, if you want to help us translate Ultra Video Converter into your native languages, please read this simple guide.

Step 1. Please click here to download Ultra Video Converter at first, and then install it to your computer.

Step 2. Navigate to the installation directory(by default: c:\Program Files\Ultra Video Converter) , inside the "Languages" folder you will see "English.ini", copy it to your own language file.

Step 3. The language file is in the format of Windows INI file. which is organized into sections. Please keep the section name and the key name unchanged while translating, and only translate the strings after "=".

Step 4. You're done! Save your new language file. Restart our software, click "Settings" icon on the toolbar, the new language will appear in the language combobox. Apply it to see how good you're!

Step 5. After translation, please kindly send the translation to us and we will package it into the setup program, and we will send your a license code as soon as possible.

If any questions while translating, please feel free to contact us.


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